Ron Silk 1 April 1924 – 30 May 2018
This website contains many of Ron’s writings including the full text of his Clockerish Allsorts children’s book. The most recent addition is Ron’s short story ‘A tale of Neighbourhood Watch’
More is being added between July and October 2018 when time allows so please do return to the website from time to time as there will most certainly be more to see.
Ron stated in his will he did not want a eulogy read at his funeral. So please see the biographical section as he didn’t say anything against putting this online.
last update 19 July 2018
For those viewing on most PC browsers the main menu will be plain to see at the top of this screen but for phone or tablet users you will need the ‘burger menu’ icon you will see on the top right of the screen. Please just dont ask for relish with it, oh the sauce of it. There is a list of some of the main sections at the foot of this page. Most sections include several pages so there is a fair amount of content here for the curious.
Ron’s voice. Includes radio interview to promote his childrens book